Handmade Wooden Greek Christian Orthodox Wood Icon of Saint Stylianos /P5
Price: $86.50
(as of Apr 11, 2024 19:24:38 UTC – Details)
Saint Stylianos (Latin: Stylianus, Greek: Στυλιανός, English: Stylian) was born during the 6th century in Adrianopolis in the province of Paphlagonia (in modern day Turkey) into a very wealthy family. At a young age, Stylianos joined the hermits of the desert with a view toward cleansing his soul through a period of meditation and prayer, as well as through association with men likewise pledging their lives to Jesus Christ. Unlike most other hermits, however, he did not withdraw from society altogether, preferring to go among the people for whatever good he might do, and then returning to his little cave for rest and prayerful meditation. According to the church tradition, one night while he prayed for guidance in helping others, Stylianos felt a divine presence and was consumed by the great glory of the Holy Spirit, emerging from his cave the next day with a spirit of exultation and serenity he had never known before. In his customary rounds, wherein he counseled and comforted, he felt compelled to place his hand on a stricken child, something he had not up to that time dared to do; he felt the power of the Lord being transferred to the ailing youngster through his extended arm. The child immediately recovered, and thenceforth Stylianos was sought after by every suffering soul for miles around, young and old. His cave became a magnet for the sick and suffering, many of whom received complete cures not only through the power in this man but through their own faith as well, without which a sufferer’s case was hopeless.
Wooden Greek Orthodox Icon of Saint Stylianos
WIDTH: 40 CM OR 15.74 IN LENGTH: 19 CM OR 7.48 IN
Wooden Greek Orthodox Icon of Saint Stylianos. Our icons are made of the highest quality silkscreen on specially treated wood with advanced aging techniques and other quality materials that ensure the waterproofing and protection from solar radiation. All the icons are unique and original, in high quality made by hand after your order.Saint Stylianos Stilianos
Handmade icon – size and shape may slightly vary