4.Stop Abortions

Why We Should Stop Abortions: A Christian Orthodox Perspective

The issue of abortion has been a deeply divisive topic in modern society. From a Christian Orthodox perspective, the practice of abortion is viewed as fundamentally incompatible with the faith’s teachings on life, creation, and the sanctity of the human person. This stance is grounded in Scripture, the writings of the Church Fathers, and the lived tradition of the Orthodox Church.

The Sanctity of Life in Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy teaches that life is sacred from the moment of conception. This belief is rooted in the understanding that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Every life, regardless of its stage of development, bears this divine imprint and is therefore inherently valuable.

  • The Beginning of Life
    Orthodox tradition upholds that life begins at conception, as the soul is believed to be present from this moment. The Psalmist proclaims, “For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13). This verse reflects the intimate involvement of God in the creation of every human being.
  • The Image of God
    By terminating a pregnancy, abortion is seen as rejecting God’s gift of life and His creative act. The destruction of a human life, no matter how small or undeveloped, is viewed as an affront to the divine image present in every person.

Scriptural and Patristic Teachings

The Orthodox stance against abortion is supported by both Scripture and the writings of the early Church Fathers.

  • Biblical Foundation
    The Sixth Commandment, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13), is a cornerstone of the Church’s teaching on the sanctity of life. This commandment applies universally, including to the unborn. Additionally, the Gospel emphasizes Christ’s love for children, stating, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).
  • The Didache
    One of the earliest Christian documents, the Didache (Teachings of the Apostles), explicitly condemns abortion, stating, “You shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is born.” This early text underscores the continuity of the Church’s teaching from its inception.
  • Church Fathers
    Saint Basil the Great, a prominent Church Father, wrote extensively against abortion, equating it with murder and condemning those who facilitate or perform it. He emphasized the equal value of all human life, regardless of its stage of development.

The Moral and Spiritual Implications of Abortion

From an Orthodox perspective, abortion has profound moral and spiritual consequences, both for individuals and society as a whole.

  • Moral Consequences
    Abortion is considered a grave sin because it involves the intentional taking of innocent human life. The Church views this act as a violation of God’s commandments and a rejection of His authority as the Creator.
  • Spiritual Consequences
    Engaging in or supporting abortion can lead to spiritual alienation from God. The act disrupts the harmony of the soul, leading to guilt, remorse, and spiritual unrest. However, the Church offers the sacrament of confession as a means of healing and reconciliation for those who repent.
  • Impact on Society
    Abortion contributes to a culture that devalues life, fostering attitudes of selfishness and disregard for the vulnerable. The Orthodox Church warns that this cultural shift can lead to further moral decay, as the sanctity of life is undermined.

The Role of the Church in Upholding Life

The Orthodox Church plays a vital role in promoting a culture of life through its teachings, pastoral care, and practical support for those facing unplanned pregnancies.

  • Education and Advocacy
    The Church educates its faithful on the sanctity of life, emphasizing the moral and spiritual dangers of abortion. It advocates for policies and laws that protect the unborn and support families in need.
  • Pastoral Care
    Priests and spiritual fathers provide guidance and support to individuals grappling with the decision to have an abortion. They offer compassion and understanding, helping individuals make life-affirming choices.
  • Support for Mothers and Families
    Orthodox communities often provide practical assistance to pregnant women, including financial aid, housing, and counseling. These efforts aim to alleviate the pressures that lead many women to consider abortion.

Addressing Common Arguments for Abortion

While the Orthodox Church opposes abortion, it also acknowledges the complex situations that lead individuals to consider it. The Church responds to common arguments with compassion and truth.

  • “It’s a Woman’s Right to Choose”
    The Church teaches that true freedom is found in aligning one’s will with God’s. While individuals have free will, they are called to use it responsibly and in accordance with God’s commandments. Choosing life respects God’s sovereignty and affirms the dignity of both mother and child.
  • “In Cases of Rape or Incest”
    The Church recognizes the profound trauma associated with such situations. However, it emphasizes that the child conceived is an innocent human being, deserving of life. The Church offers pastoral care and support to help mothers navigate these difficult circumstances.
  • “It’s Necessary to Protect the Mother’s Health”
    Orthodox teaching allows for moral discernment in rare cases where the mother’s life is at serious risk. Such situations require prayerful consideration, medical advice, and spiritual guidance from clergy.

The Call to Repentance and Healing

For those who have experienced abortion, the Orthodox Church offers a path of healing and reconciliation. Through the sacrament of confession, individuals can seek God’s forgiveness and find peace.

  • Confession and Forgiveness
    The Church teaches that no sin is beyond God’s mercy. By confessing their sins with a contrite heart, individuals can receive absolution and begin the process of spiritual healing.
  • Healing Ministries
    Many Orthodox communities provide support groups and counseling for women who have undergone abortions. These ministries aim to help individuals process their grief, find forgiveness, and move forward in faith.

Building a Culture of Life

Stopping abortion requires more than changing laws; it involves transforming hearts and minds to embrace a culture of life.

  • Promoting Adoption
    The Church encourages adoption as a loving alternative to abortion, providing children with stable and nurturing homes.
  • Supporting Families
    Strengthening families through pastoral care, education, and financial assistance helps create an environment where life is valued and protected.
  • Witnessing to the Faith
    Orthodox Christians are called to bear witness to the sanctity of life through their words and actions. By living out the faith, they inspire others to respect and cherish God’s gift of life.


From a Christian Orthodox perspective, abortion is a grave moral and spiritual issue that undermines the sanctity of life and the divine image in humanity. The Church calls for the protection of the unborn and offers compassion and healing to those affected by abortion. By upholding the teachings of Scripture, the Church Fathers, and sacred tradition, Orthodox Christians are called to be advocates for life, working to build a society that honors God’s gift of creation.

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Christian Orthodoxy, abortion, sanctity of life, pro-life, conception, divine image, Scripture, Church Fathers, Didache, moral consequences, spiritual consequences, confession, repentance, pastoral care, advocacy, adoption, healing, forgiveness, culture of life, human dignity, God’s will, free will, commandments, pregnancy, unplanned pregnancies, family support, Saint Basil the Great, education, sacred tradition, Orthodox Church, life-affirming choices.